Carbon Settings Panel

The Carbon Settings Panel allows dynamic controls for multiple performance and visual settings. To access the panel, navigate to the Carbon menu and select "Carbon Settings."


Note: To modify a specific setting from its project default, you must check the box located on the left side of that particular parameter.



Allows control of a light's footprint parameters.

Footprint Resolution Adjusts the overall resolution of the footprint. Will affect gobo sharpness and update speed.
Enable Multi Instance Footprint Enables the casting of light from multi-instance fixtures. Can cause a big performance hit.


Control the quality of a light's shadow.

Enable All Shadows

Enable All Shadows Enable or disable shadows globally on all fixtures

Shadow Resolution

Note: Overriding the global Shadow Resolution does not work with ray-traced shadows.

Single Instance Shadow Resolution Overrides the shadow resolution of all single instance fixtures
Multi Instance Shadow Resolution Overrides the shadow resolution of all multi instance fixtures


Modify beam appearance.

Beam Density Adjusts the amount of fog and smoke effects visible in beams
Hotspot Mitigation Controls the balance between visual smoothness and light intensity

Beam Quality

Single Instance Lights Adjusts the perceived quality of the ray march for single instance fixtures with no complex gobos
Single Instance Lights Resolution Changes the overall resolution of the beam for single instance fixtures (Low, Medium, High) 
Aerial Gobos Adjusts the perceived quality of the ray march for single instance fixtures that have complex gobos
Aerial Gobos Resolution Changes the overall resolution of the beam for complex gobo fixtures (Low, Medium, High) 
Multi Instance Lights Adjusts the perceived quality of the ray march for fixtures with multiple instances
Multi Instance Lights Resolution Changes the overall resolution of the beam for multi instance fixtures (Low, Medium, High) 


Note: Changing the beam resolution requires a restart of play mode


Zoom Attenuation

Single Instance Zoom Attenuation Adjusts the maximum light beam length as zoom angle increases for single instance fixtures
Multi Instance Zoom Attenuation Adjusts the maximum light beam length as zoom angle increases for multi instance fixtures

Smoke Texture

Enables a complex smoke effect in light beams that creates a cloudy, hazy look.

Smoke Scale Adjusts the size of the smoke effect across the beams
Smoke Uniformity Adjusts the uniformity/transparency of the smoke effect (The lower the value, the more 'hazy' the beam appears)
Smoke Speed Controls the speed of the smoke effect on all three axis

Pro Tip: Although the Smoke Uniformity Slider goes between 0-1, you can input a negative value. (do not exceed -1) For a very hazy beam look, try setting the uniformity to -0.1 or -0.2!


Quick macro button that adds a PostProcessVolume into the scene with our recommended calibrated exposure levels.

Our recommended exposure settings when using Carbon fixtures