Diagnostics Panel

The Diagnostics Panel provides quick access to a variety of statistics and profiling tools to test in your scene

  1. Switch between different in-editor view modes
  2. Toggle in-game FPS display
  3. Toggle in-game GPU stats display
  4. Toggle in-game Tick stats display
  5. Toggle in-game unit graph display
  6. Profile GPU Visualization at the current tick
  7. Toggle Visibility Stats
  8. Toggle RHI Stats
  9. Toggle Carbon specific Stats
  10. Toggle Thread Pool Stats
  11. Toggle Render Thread Stats
  12. Launches Issue Report Webpage

(The Debug Panel provides tools to monitor and troubleshoot the performance of the visualization)

Submitting a Ticket

Carbon offers easy support access with the “Submit Issues” button that allows you to submit tickets to our developers. To do so, you may right click on any fixture in the library tab, and select- Submit Issue. Additionally, there is a button on the bottom of the Debug Panel. You will be directed to the Submit a Request webpage. Click here to go to that page: Submitting an Issue.